Job Seeker Tips

Job Seeker Tips

Interview Safety

Arranging interviews in rural areas is not quite the same as in a city i.e. it is unlikely you will be sitting face to face in a boardroom. To avoid potential issues when job seeking and during the interview process, adopt the following practices as part of your due diligence process and remember to always protect your personal information.

Personal Information

Check your online profiles to make sure you have not published such items of information as your driver’s license, current address or mobile phone number for example. Be cautious of individuals, recruiters or businesses who ask you to pay for more details about a job ad or an upfront fee.


Do your research – check phone numbers, company ABN’s, google the company, and if possible check the individual on sites such as LinkedIN and Facebook.


If the location is remote, arrange a video call using tools such as Zoom, Facetime, Messenger or Google Duo. Never agree to a one on one meeting at someones home address or a remote location – choose a coffee shop or any public location where it is easy to talk without too much background noise.

When you agree a location, make your own way there or get a lift with a friend; if a friend is not available and you travel alone let someone know where you will be and when you expect to return.

Always request confirmation of the location, time and date by email.

Is the Job Legitimate?

Before you even get to the interview stage run a few screening actions against any potential job These may include such things as:

  • Are they asking for personal details of any type in the advertisement
  • Does the job ask for gender and marital status
  • Does the response email match the website details

If you encounter a job offer that appears “unreliable”, please email us at “[email protected]” and provide details of the job offer including the station/location and the name of the company.